Korean Tang Soo Do - Japanese Ninjuka
Chinese Shaolin Kempo - Okinawan Goju
The above styles are the main
parts that make up my
USA Sung Ja Do Nin Ju Ka Tang Soo Do
Traditional / Modern / Streetwise Self-Defense / Wilderness Combat Survival
(Michigan Martial Arts Self-Defense Combat Systems)
Belt Level Rankings
This is an American Martial Arts System!
NOTE: ranking yellow / gold stripe degrees on Master and Grandmaster belts are optional
Tang Soo Do Forms
Bokido Kai Iron Fist Fighting Tiger Forms
Forms (Long Katas or Hyungs)
There are 5 Bokido Kai Iron Fist Empty Hand Fighting Tiger Forms, 17 Iron Fist Weapon Fighting Forms in this system. The Iron Fist Fighting Form's concepts were created by me, Grand Master Don Boivin. The Bokido Kai Iron Fist Tiger (part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) Fighthing Forms, will be learned in parts and then performed as one solid form (Spirit of the Tiger) for the Pre-Dan test. The other Tang Soo Do Fighting Forms that I studied and learned from my many years in Tang Soo Do, they are for all color belts and all black belts.
{ The 5 Gi Cho Hyungs are for kids 6-14 to learn before moving to the Teen and Adult levels. }
Dakota Trondle created the first 2 Iron Fist Short Stick Weapon Fighting Forms for Colored Belts and I brought in the rest of the Forms for the Color Belts and Black Belts. The rest are five Bo Forms, three Nunchaku Forms, two Sword Forms, one Knife Form, one Tonfa Form, one Sai Form, one kama Form and one Cane Form. Any Freestyle Black Belt Weapon Forms that are used, is up to each Black Belt learning and performing them for each rank level... These are added to each level if they want to perform them besides the preset Forms and the same goes for any added Empty Hand Forms.
NOTE: The Kempo 5 Animal Kung Fu Forms , can also be studied and performed in Black Belt testings...
Remember that a traditional matter is not the way you would exactly fight in the street, it is a training tool to carry the history of martial arts and the systems on through the ages. The applications within the forms are for the street / wilderness and these must be done in a street wise self-defense way. It is the Instructor that must teach and make the student understand the different. A lot of systems just want to learn how to fight and do away with everything else... That is fine if you want to study that way, but to me, the martial arts is a way of life and what you learn from the whole of a system is so much better for the student, than learning only part of it... So the forms can be done in a traditional matter, but eventually the applications that you learn from the Forms are done in a street version for maximum efficiency... There are a total of 43 Preset Empty Hand / Weapon Forms in this system.
Colored Belt Forms
* Iron Fist Fighting Tiger Form (1) and Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Fighting Form - for 9th gup level Yellow Belt.
* Iron Fist Fighting Tiger Form (2) and Pyung Ahn Ee Dan Fighting Form - for 8th gup level Yellow Belt / Black Stripe.
* Iron Fist Fighting Tiger Form (3) and Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Fighting Form - for 7th gup level Orange Belt.
* Iron Fist Fighting Tiger Form (4) and Pyung Ahn Sa Dan Fighting Form - for 6th gup level Orange Belt / Black Stripe.
* Iron Fist Fighting Tiger Form (5) and Pyung Ahn Oh Dan Fighting Form - for 5th gup level Green Belt.
* Bassai Fighting Form - for 4th gup level Green Belt / Black Stripe.
* Naihanchi Cho Dan Fighting Form - for 3rd gup level Brown Belt.
* Naihanchi Ee Dan Fighting Form - for 2nd gup level Brown Belt / Black Stripe.
* Naihanchi Sam Dan Fighting Form - for 1st gup level Red Belt with Black stripe down center of belt.
* Bokido Kai Tiger (part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 and 5) will be performed as one solid form (Spirit of the Tiger) Fighting Form - for Pre-Dan / Yebi Cho Dan Bo test before Black Belt.
Color Belt Weapon Forms
* Short Stick Iron Fist Fighting Form (1) - for 7th gup level Orange Belt
* Short Stick Iron Fist Fighting Form (2) - for 6th gup level Orange Belt / Black Stripe
* Bo (5' or 6' staff) Iron Fist Fighting Form (1) - for 5th gup level Green Belt
* Bo (5' or 6' staff) Iron Fist Fighting Form (2) - for 4th gup level Green Belt / Black Stripe
* Nunchaku Iron Fist Fighting Form (1) - for 3rd gup level Brown Belt
* Nunchaku Iron Fist Fighting Form (2) - for 2nd gup level Brown Belt / Black Stripe
* Tonfa Iron Fist Fighting Form (1) - for 1st gup level Red Belt / Black Stripe through center
* Knife Iron Fist Fighting Form (1) - for Pre-Dan Yebi Cho Dan Bo before Black Belt
NOTE: There are other weapons we will practice, but they are not set for forms yet...
Black Belt Forms
* Sip Soo Empty Hand / Sword (1) Weapon Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 1st degree Black Belt
* Jin Do Empty Hand / Kama (1) and Bo (3) Weapons Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 2nd degree Black Belt
* Lo Hai Empty Hand / Nunchaku (3) and Sai (1) Weapons Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 3rd degree Black Belt
* Kong Sang Koon Empty Hand / Bo (4) Weapon Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 4th degree Master Black Belt
* Wang Shu Empty Hand / Tonfa (2) / two handed Weapons Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 5th degree Master Black Belt
* Sei Shan Empty Hand / Sword (2) Weapon Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 6th degree Master Black Belt
* Ji-On Empty Hand / Bo (5) Weapon Iron Fist Fighting Forms - for 7th degree Grand Master Black Belt
* O Sip Sa Bo Empty Hand / Cane (1) Weapon Iron Fist Fighting Forms - For 8th degree Grand Master Black Belt
NOTE: The forms can be changed to one pre-set and one free-style fighting forms for black belts if okayed by Head Instructor... More info on the higher ranks later...
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