USA Wilderness Warriors Survival School of Sung Ja Do Nin Ju Ka Tang Soo Do

USA Sung Ja Do Nin Ju Ka Tang Soo Do Combat Martial Arts System

American Wilderness Warriors Outdoorsman Facebook Group Online Self-Defense  Bushcraft  Survival



Grand Master Donald Boivin

Founder and Style Director

10th Degree in this Martial Arts system:


Sung Ja Do Nin Ju Ka Tang Soo Do


USA Wilderness Warriors Outdoorsman

Self-Defense - Bushcraft - Survival


USA Bokido Kai Iron Fist School


For Information:


phone: 989 492-1766

Gladwin, Mi. 48624

Below is my Grand Master since 2002 - George Petrotta

George Ivan Petrotta

January 8, 1945 - December 30, 2023

My Grand Master and Founder of the International Sung Ja Do Association

 International Sung Ja Do


This is the Association I belong to under my Grand Master George Petrotta, who is Founder. 

The I. S. A. M. A. was an innovative and eclectic self-defense training center. Teaching an effective blend of various martial arts and self-defense systems and styles, our motto "Use What Works 100% Of The Time For 100% Of The Students" defines our approach to teaching and training. We believe that everything has value but, that ALL martial arts and self-defense techniques do not work for everyone.

The I. S. A. M. A., after the death of the Founder, the Association has split into the I.S.A. original group and Sung Ja Do Hapkido International Elite group. I, out of respect for my Grand Master George Ivan Petrotta's memory, I have changed my system's name to "Sung Ja Do Nin Ju Ka Tang Soo Do", which combines martial arts, reality self-defense, fitness, natural physiology, psychology, and cutting edge "street smarts" to teach you the most efficient, effective, and comprehensive self-defense system.

More of my Mentors...

 Grand Master Donald Miskel, is another Mentor, that I received a 9th degree in the Black Lotus Martial Arts System and a 6th degree in the Ju Te Ryu Combat Aiki Jujitsu System. Both were awarded in September of 2015. They are blended into my System, with permission...

 Other Mentors of mine, are the DePasquales, Sr. and Jr., both Grand Masters. Note: Sr. has passed away...God bless him, he is dearly missed. I studied there systems of Martial Arts, Yoshitsune Waza and Ninjuka Combat Jujitsu. They are blended into the System I teach, with their permission...


 The picture on the left, shows Grand Master Jerry Beasley, who I studied under, learning his Aikia System, plus JKD and Trap Boxing. Also, I got to train with Grand Master Bill Wallace and Grand Master Joe Lewis, who is standing on the other side of me in the picture. Note: GM Lewis has passed away...God bless him, he is dearly missed. The knowledge that I learned from the three of them, was amazing!

 The picture on the right, is my main Mentor I had in my Tang Soo Do training. His name is Paul Robb and he is an amazing teacher of the Tang Soo Do System, plus a dear friend.

 My first Teacher of Tang Soo Do was, Master Don Davis and my second Teacher was John Mulloy. Unfortunately, I haven't any pictures of them...

Two more pictures are of Hanshi Lou Angel (Goju Karate). Hanshi Angel, which he recently passed on... He will be dearly missed. I studied Goju Ryu from him, for a number of years... The other picture is  Grand Master Dan Nolan, he was another big influence in my Tang Soo Do Training.

Below are pictures of Grand Master David J Praim, who was one of the Directors of Karate Institute Association out of Detroit Michigan. We are good friends and I have always looked up to him with Honor in Tang Soo Do!!!

 The last picture is of Jesus our Lord watching over our students!

There has been a lot more Teachers in my life, but these Great Mentors, were life changing for me in the Martial Arts...